I had another early wake up and could not go to sleep again so I got up after watching TV for an hour and before daylight I took pictures of the pear trees in the back yard as they looked like snow in the darkness and were beautiful! The things I do when unable to sleep...ha!
I cannot pass by the beauty of even one of God's tiny gifts each day. Thanks for coming and do come again soon. And if you have time, please visit our other blogs with the links in our sidebar. Blessings!
My heart to yours...
I know exactly what you mean, Kerrie, I find it impossible to make it through the day without giving thanks and praise for God's beautiful works and for my eyesight that he gave me to see it all...I know my Gizzy dog feels the same - he needs to be out there and soak it all in because he just loves being outside. I know he's thankful too.
God bless you both. Hope your husband is doing ok! I think of you two often!
Now I will be able to recognize a pear tree! I believe this is the tree that I took many pictures of the blossoms but didn't know what it was, so now I will compare it! The blossoms are so sweet and delicate.
Hi Kerrie! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your dear compliments. I truly do appreciate your support and am praying for some sales...lol!
Love your photos..I believe we were both visited by 2 sweet angels a few months ago...a treasured memory!
Kerrie, I love that little blossom! We are getting little blossoms every where too. I couldn't get over the little blue flowers (1/4 of an inch wide total) growing in the grass last week. So precious and tiny! Thinking about you and hubby and praying.
You made me laugh! I sometimes get up and clean house...VERRRY quietly. :O) I know I'll be tired but at least the house will be clean LOL! xo Donna
Such lovely blossoms, it seems like you were stil dreaming early in the morning.
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